Mesothelioma Medical Law: Types of Claims
Mesothelioma medical
law is complicated. There are two types of claims namely personal injury
and wrongful death. Mesothelioma claims can be initiated against parties liable
for unlawful or negligent exposure to asbestos.
Personal Injury Claim
The first type of lawsuit is personal injury claim in mesothelioma
medical law. The claimant is the same individual named in the suit.
This type of lawsuit is the kind which US lawsuits mostly fall under. Majority
of the mesothelioma claims filed in the United States are personal injury
claims that fall under the toxic tort law. This tort involves a certain type of
personal injury claim related to injury or illness which is the result of a
chemical substance. Apart from abestos, other toxins named in this class of
lawsuits include mercury, lead, pesticides and pharma products.
Wrongful Death
In this type of claim, the lawsuit is filed on behalf of the
dead person by his/her family members or dependants. While the personal injury
claim involves asbestos exposure, common defendant names are companies that are
blocked from sale or manufacture and distribution of asbestos made products.
Claimant in the personal injury lawsuit is the person who suffered the exposure
and developed mesothelioma. But in the case of mesothelioma, symptoms advance
fast and time is short. In a situation where the injured party (mesothelioma
patient) is dead, the claim is filed by loved ones alleging wrongful death. In
this, the family or dependants of victims are listed as claimants. The
defendants are the same parties as those lised in the personal injury claim
filed directly by the victim/patient.
Another difference between the two types of claims in mesothelioma medical law is the
beneifciary. In wrongful death claims, damages are awarded to loved ones of the
victim who have brought the suit. In both cases, the amount of the settlement
can be based on various factors. In case of personal injury claims, the
claimant or the victim is the beneficiary. In most cases, the settlement is
preferred because it leads to positive legal outcomes. A skilled mesothelioma
lawyer is also skilled at offering the best care for speedy trials as well.
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