Mesothelioma Medical Law: Types of Claims

Mesothelioma medical law is complicated. There are two types of claims namely personal injury and wrongful death. Mesothelioma claims can be initiated against parties liable for unlawful or negligent exposure to asbestos. Personal Injury Claim The first type of lawsuit is personal injury claim in mesothelioma medical law . The claimant is the same individual named in the suit. This type of lawsuit is the kind which US lawsuits mostly fall under. Majority of the mesothelioma claims filed in the United States are personal injury claims that fall under the toxic tort law. This tort involves a certain type of personal injury claim related to injury or illness which is the result of a chemical substance. Apart from abestos, other toxins named in this class of lawsuits include mercury, lead, pesticides and pharma products. Wrongful Death Lawsuit In this type of claim, the lawsuit is filed on behalf of the dead person by his/her family members or dependants. While the ...